
The Upper East Region of Ghana has been the center of our missions efforts so far. Common struggles in the communities in this area include poverty, child homelessness, lack of educational resources, and limited access to healthcare. Impact Global has partnered with local Christian leaders to support their efforts and grow their skill sets to create capital for themselves in an effort to help them grow in self-sufficiency.

A Glimpse into the Upper East Region of Ghana

  1. In Ghana, there is only a rainy season and a dry season, each lasting 6 months.

  2. Goats roam free all over the cities in Ghana.

  3. The main modes of transportation in the cities of Ghana are motor bikes and “Can Do’s,” which are covered scooters.

  4. Temperatures range from mid 60’s to lower 100’s.

  5. In some villages, crocodiles are considered protected and roam free.

  6. There are many different languages, and they vary from village to village, making communication difficult.

  7. Many villages do not have easily accessible water.

  8. For the whole Upper East Region, there are only 4 doctors available.

  9. For a child to have the opportunity to go to high school, he or she must pass a test. Many public schools do not provide training needed to pass the test, leaving many children without the opportunity to advance their education.

  10. School fees are on average only $25.00 per term.